Telephone 0575.403600
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Address Via Monte Falco, 38 - Arezzo
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Scarabicchi Law Firm
Law Firm of Lawyers in Arezzo, Assistance for Individuals and Companies
Mr. Tommaso Scarabicchi
 Avvocato Tommaso Scarabicchi dello Studio legale Scarabicchi ad Arezzo

Lawyer Tommaso Scarabicchi of the Scarabicchi law firm in Arezzo.

Born in Arezzo on July 9, 1991, he earned his degree at Liceo Classico Francesco Petrarca. After that, as an overseas student in YMCA College (Berkley – CA), he attended an English course organized by LSI School.
During his studies, he carried out his National Civil Service at the ACLI Association in Arezzo, dealing with the project “Legalmente” reserved for the High School students. There were two main topics: legalty and cultural promotion, Cyberbulling and crimes on the net. For this activity, he also joined a series of conferences as lecturer.
Mr. Scarabicchi graduated from University of Florence in 2018 (LLB in Tax Law with a thesis entitled “Sport sponsorship contract: tax profiles”).
Before starting his forensic practice, he worked for Lascaux s.r.l. , as a an external consultant of Ubi Banca. Occupying the role of Manager, he dealt with management and analysis for NPL practices (Non-Performing Loans).
He attended the training course to practice law at “Scuola Forense Aretina” focusing in civil law, substantive and procedural criminal law and also professional ethics.
In March 2020 he carried out legal practice at the Brilli Law Firm, specializing in criminal law sector.
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