Telephone 0575.403600
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Address Via Monte Falco, 38 - Arezzo
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Scarabicchi Law Firm
Law Firm of Lawyers in Arezzo, Assistance for Individuals and Companies
Divorce and family law - Legal succession
Diritto di famiglia, divorzi e separazioni, successioni ad Arezzo

Family law, divorces and separations, successions of the Scarabicchi law firm in Arezzo

Family law is one of the fields where, apart from its effects on the quality of life of our clients, lawyer’s expertise and professionalism is needed more than ever. Especially into a chaotic and slow justice system such as the current one, it is necessary to seek long-term solutions and negotiation out of court, whether it is a consensual or a judicial procedure (in case of prior agreement or disagreement of all parties involved in the process).
It is therefore necessary to rely on a team of professionals that should be able to help and protect the interests of the client all around, even more so in delicate areas in terms of personal relations, custody and child support payments, patrimonial relations between husband and wife (marital home, property in legal communion, family businesses and so on), succession rights, paternity suit, domestic abuse.
In these fields, Scarabicchi Law Firm has a long and consolidated experience, dealing with separation, divorces and related amendment to the conditions, matrimonial property agreement, cohabitation, civil unions, adoption, rights of de facto couples, juvenile law, child custody cases, protection compliance of weakest members of society (supporting administration, interdictions) and became one of Firm’s main areas of specialization.

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