Telephone 0575.403600
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Address Via Monte Falco, 38 - Arezzo
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Scarabicchi Law Firm
Law Firm of Lawyers in Arezzo, Assistance for Individuals and Companies
Fashion law
Diritto della moda e proprietà industriale: studio legale scarabicchi ad arezzo

Fashion law and industrial property of the Scarabicchi law firm in Arezzo

Fashion law is a highly specialized legal field that prerequires elements of civil and criminal law including intellectual property matters; customs duties; the fight against counterfeiting and commercial law contracts.
Mr. David Scarabicchi has been developing consistent collaborations for years with the best fashion and garment industries, at national and international level, enough to gain a strong experience in Fashion law which over the time has become one of the most important areas of expertise of Scarabicchi Law Firm. It provides counsel on trademark infringement and counterfeit goods, contract management (mainly agency and sales agreements), internationalization process and Criminal Corporate Law. Scarabicchi offers the best and effective solutions across the luxury goods, fashion and beauty sectors.
The Law Firm provides counsel on all aspects of Industrial property to individuals and companies with regard to intangible assets, registration of trademarks and patents, the protection of industrial property right (active and passive legal defense) and all the potential duties of malpractice. A special effort is also given to the protection of personal and patrimonial rights to extend the scope of copyright enforcement.

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