Telephone 0575.403600
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Address Via Monte Falco, 38 - Arezzo
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Scarabicchi Law Firm
Law Firm of Lawyers in Arezzo, Assistance for Individuals and Companies
Labour Law
 Diritto del lavoro dello Studio legale Scarabicchi ad Arezzo

Labor law of the Scarabicchi law firm in Arezzo

Labour law is the set of rules that govern the relationship between the employer and the employee and that protect not only the economic interest of the company, but also the freedom, dignity and personality of workers; any dispute that may arise in the course of the relationship, from contracts to disciplinary disputes, to dismissals for just cause or unjustified reason, is treated with effective defence models and handled in full respect of the parties involved.
Scarabicchi Law Firm therefore operates both alongside workers and alongside companies, providing assistance aimed at the proper management of employment relationships. By way of example, the firm’s lawyers deal with disciplinary sanctions, transfers, job changes, individual dismissals, appeals against dismissals, reintegration into the workplace, claims for pay differences, compensation for damages at work (mobbing), accidents at work, requests for inspections - conciliation at the Territorial Labour Inspectorate, drafting of the acts of instruction of disputes, preparation of defences (meetings with the client, examination of documentation, case study, defensive strategy). Scarabicchi Law Firm therefore offers its support also to entrepreneurs, managers and HR of national and international companies for the management of the aspects related to the creation and management of the activity (Statutes, Articles of Association, Regulations) support to the business activity (internal and external contracts, Privacy), consolidation and business development (internal reorganization) up to the management of the transformation (Mergers, Acquisitions, Disposals of shares, disposals/rents of Branch).
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