Telephone 0575.403600
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Address Via Monte Falco, 38 - Arezzo
dove siamo
Scarabicchi Law Firm
Law Firm of Lawyers in Arezzo, Assistance for Individuals and Companies
Real Estate Law
Consulenza giudiziale e stragiudiziale, a tutela della proprietà e del possesso, in materia immobiliare ad Arezzo

Judicial and extrajudicial consultancy, for the protection of property and possession, in real estate matters in Arezzo

The Firm offers advice and assistance, judicial and extrajudicial, to protect property and possession, in real estate matters; the protection of property begins already before the conclusion of the purchase contract, as soon as the compromise or the preliminary sale is drawn up, which should be drawn up, or otherwise followed up and deepened, by a professional who can ascertain, in the interest of the customer, all the conditions for a proper transfer and a subsequent quiet management of the property. In particular, the lawyers of the firm are responsible for drafting preliminary contracts of sale and lease for any type of real estate both residential and commercial, as well as to assist the customer during the phase of negotiations aimed at the sale of real estate and any stages of litigation related to them (breach of contract, causes for defects, defects, non-conformities, assessment of the responsibility of professionals in the design/ construction management, compensation for damages due to cancellation of the customer). The Firm also provides assistance and advice to companies and professionals operating in the construction sector and to brokers and real estate agencies in disputes relating to professional liability and in case of recovery of commissions. The protection of real estate involves many other aspects: from condominium and neighborhood relations, to leases (rentals), to the procedures of release of real estate (eviction procedure for arrears, termination of lease, expulsion licence for finite lease, court proceedings for contractual resolution, etc.), disputes relating to "border" matters or relating to rights of active and passive servitude (passage, view) problems of distances between buildings, condominium problems for properties in condominium, both with respect to the condominium, and in relations with other condominiums, problems in the management and enjoyment of undivided properties (or co-ownership) and in the division of co-ownership, the establishment and management of Trusts, the establishment of "wealth funds", relations with credit institutions for mortgages, and finally the law of succession.
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